The first line of IRS Notice CP91 states either, "Intent to seize up to 15% of your Social Security benefits" or "Final Notice Before Levy On Social Security Benefits". The IRS uses Notice CP91 as a Notice of Intent to Levy to warn you they intend to take your Social Security check. (See Notice CP298 for businesses) This is URGENT. After 30 days the IRS can take 15% of your social security.
There could be many reasons why you have received this notice but we need to act quickly to stop any seizures. It is important for the attorney to obtain the IRS file, review your documents & options. Then, we can construct an Action Plan to deal with the IRS for the least cost.
What to do about CP91
In most cases, you will be required to complete a Form 433A or Form 433F to disclose your income & assets. Plus, you need Tax Attorney Guidance against the government. Our TaxHelp Webinars teach you the tricks & traps of completing these forms while the Notice CP91 Prep Steps get you prepared for the IRS!
Further Tasks
But, that is NOT the end of your problem. We must research & explore the various ways to reduce or eliminate your IRS debt.