IRS Letter 2273C is a general letter that usually explains some aspect of an installment agreement. It often explains the details of the payment agreement with instructions for where to send payments & the "set-up fee" charged by the IRS to initiate the agreement, similar to Letter 2603C.
Response to Letter 2273C
Remember, installment agreements with the IRS can be adjusted, if needed. It's usually best to have a representative but essentially, you'll go through the same process of proving you can't pay by completing a Form 433F or Form 433A, which require an extensive amount of information. We have designed Webinars to give you tax attorney guidance to prepare these forms.
There are usually no problems and no need for legal advice if you agree. However, if you received the Letter 2273C and something seems unusual or you can't follow the letter, please follow the Prep Steps & contact Mr. Hopkins!