The first sentence in IRS Notice CP90 states, "Intent to seize your assets and notice of your right to a hearing".
The IRS uses Notice CP90 as a Notice of Intent to Levy to warn you they intend to take your assets and property. (See also CP90C for Federal Contractor seizures). This notice is URGENT because in 30 days the IRS can seize practically anything you own. It is the same type of notice as the Notice CP77, CP504 & Letter 1058.
If you are a Federal Contractor the IRS can seize your wages or property without giving you a hearing.(See Notice CP90C)
Take Action
We must act quickly to prevent any levies on your wages, bank accounts or property. Often times, there are returns to be filed and financial information to gather. This can be difficult, but not impossible.
The IRS will seize 90% of your wages and all of your bank accounts if you do not respond in the correct way with the correct forms.
Required Forms
Whatever strategy you take to handle this debt, you will likely be required to complete a Form 433-A or a Form 433F (not both) to disclose your income & assets. Take our TaxHelp Webinars to learn the tricks & traps of completing these forms!
Further Goals
But, that is NOT the end of your problem. We must research & explore the various ways to reduce or eliminate your IRS debt.
And, please follow the IRS Notice CP90 Prep Steps and see Mr. Hopkins for tax attorney advice in Denver, Pueblo or Colorado Springs before proceeding!
Various Notices CP90: