With Notice CP2501 the IRS has proposed an adjustment to your return based on information they have from some other source. This information is not often wrong, but lacks proof to offset it. Mr Hopkins will show you what documents you need to win! But you only have 60 days to respond.
This is not a bill and not an audit but is a math adjustment based on third party records. The IRS could audit you later. When you respond to the IRS be very careful what you say and what you send them. These will be used against you!
It is not possible nor advisable to provide you with a sample letter to the IRS here. There are too many variables & each letter you send to the IRS should be carefully constructed based on your specific circumstances. Therefore, please follow the Prep Steps for IRS Notice CP2501 and see Mr. Hopkins in Colorado Springs or Pueblo before you act so we can prepare a precise Action Plan for you!
IRS Notice CP2501: