IRS Notice CP210 indicates some action the IRS has taken in regard to business taxes. The Notice shows the adjustments which have been made to the account. The IRS also combines Notice CP-210 with Notice CP220 to make Notice CP210/220 (see below).
A major problem with these unilateral business tax adjustments is that the IRS penalties are so high they can cripple a business. You must immediately determine why these adjustments have been made and why the IRS says your return was erroneous. Your response must be made within 60 days. But, the IRS explanation for the adjustment may be vague or insufficient to guide you.
Each issue has rules & procedures which must be followed as well as proper evidence in support. A well-constructed case must be prepared and the avenue of relief explored.
Therefore, follow the Prep Steps & contact the attorneys at TaxHelpLaw so we may construct an Action Plan for you to address the IRS issues.
If you agree that you owe the tax, please follow the Collection Prep Steps!
Various Types of IRS Notice CP-210/220: