Colorado uses this Determination letter to notify you that they demand payment. They believe you did not make an adequate defense to a Notice of Deficiency.
But, many times people fail to respond because they never got a Notice of Deficiency or they didn't know how to respond. Colorado State tax law is a legal process against you so tax attorney advice is valuable, even if you proceed alone.
Take Action
In many cases, there is an underlying Federal IRS tax problem as well. Because the Colorado Income tax is interrelated to the Federal Income tax the issues can often be resolved in succession. First, we'll have to obtain your IRS and Colorado files along with any notices you've received & the returns and letters you've sent to Colorado. Then, we'll contrast the various strategies of penalty abatements or collection options.
The goal is to create an individual, specific Action Plan to reverse your situation. TaxHelpLaw will show you how! Click on the Prep Steps!