To investigate the facts is the key to winning any IRS case. If you are diligent and persistent you may uncover facts and evidence that prove you don't owe any taxes or you may find problems you didn't know existed.
You need to build your case before you can make your arguments. So, follow these steps and get these documents:
- Wage and Income Transcripts
- Returns for 10 years, if available
- Account Transcripts
- Notices and Letters to and from the IRS
You can go online or call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to order all transcripts but the IRS transcripts won't tell you what State information appears on the documents. You'll have to find the original of these documents or ask the State to provide them to you (good luck with that!).
From the Wage and Income transcripts you can determine the forms by which 3rd parties have sent your information to the IRS. The Account Transcripts tell you if there have been any assessments, how that occurred and what other adjustments have been made on your account. You can get your Tax Return Transcripts if necessary.
The IRS online transcript retrieval service only has information within the last 3 years. If you want to investigate more information you'll have to call the IRS. You need to find your letters from & to the IRS, as well.
If your employer made an error on your Form W-2, the IRS usually requires you to get a correction from your employer. But in a rare case, they may make an inquiry on your behalf. (See Letter 62C). Don't depend on the IRS. You must diligently retrieve your documents.
So when you meet with the attorney you will be able to review what the IRS knows about you, why you owe taxes, the amount, and what the IRS is doing against you. From there we can create an Action Plan to reduce or eliminate any taxes you owe.
J. David Hopkins