J. David Hopkins, JD, LLM, the Founder of TaxHelp, Inc. has been practicing tax law for 27 years:
In that time, it has become evident that taxpayers don't always need full-scale representation, just guidance. The most common reason why taxpayers lose against the IRS is poor records. The IRS won't review your evidence unless it is placed before them in an acceptable manner. Even if you have a representative, someone must arrange your files. You could pay a CPA (who isn't familiar with your records) or do-it-yourself. TaxHelp shows you the do-it-yourself steps to save you time & money. Whether you have a representative or not, TaxHelp shows you exactly what records to gather and how to put them in order with ease for your representative or the IRS. If there's any trouble, call the TaxHelpLaw Office at (719) 232-2587 or Toll Free: 1-855-829-5465 (TAX-LINK) for legal advice!
Our TaxHelp Audit Prep Programs go deep into tactics and training when the IRS audits you.
We explain every deduction, every situation and every strategy for you to get prepared at the least cost! No mumbo jumbo - just straight, easy steps to victory! TaxHelp gives you tips and traps for the unwary along the way!
The program includes easy-to-use checklists that rapidly guide you to gather the evidence required for Form 1040, Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C, Schedule D or Schedule E. You will save time and money with the TaxHelp Audit Preparation Program!
To see how the TaxHelpPrograms work see our Advantages page!
Mr. Hopkins attended the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, serving as editor of the Tax Law Journal and ranking member of the American Inns of Court. He obtained his doctorate in law in 1989 and his master in taxation degree in 1991. He has extensive experience representing taxpayers in Court and before the IRS. See TaxHelpLaw.com.
Linda Hopkins is the founder and president of our sister affiliate, TaxHelpReturns. She has vast experience with tax return preparation, bookkeeping and all aspects of business accounting.
Visit TaxHelpReturns.com
Our affiliate attorney, Robert D. Bradley JD, is a 40-year veteran of Tax & Debt Bankruptcies. He is an expert in Chapters 7 & 13 of the US Bankruptcy Code. Together with J. David Hopkins they have saved taxpayers millions of dollars!
Visit Robert D. Bradley