Mr. R of Denver received a Notice of Deficiency indicating a substantial amount in self-employment income for several years. He kept some of his business expense receipts, but not all of them.
With TaxHelpLaw guidance he was able to obtain records from various governments, banks, suppliers and employers to reconstruct all of his deductions. Following case samples, he did most of the work and saved himself a lot of money.
The Tax Attorney simply made a petition to Tax Court and went into the IRS Appeals officer for about 2 hours with his evidence and they conceded the entire case.
For less than $1,000 he was able to close out several years without filing a return, straighten out his records and get a strategy from TaxHelpLaw for dealing with future IRS problems.
Other case samples are more direct. In one example, the IRS wanted to come out to visit the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. B near Colorado Springs and interview them to see if the IRS would allow certain deductions off their return. The agent said he wanted to get into their minds.It seemed obvious he was looking for a pretext to deny the deductions, so our tax lawyer opted to go to Court instead. Rather than waste our time with the IRS agent, it was cheaper to take the case to a higher authority and get a fair trial.
The client evidence was then presented by the tax attorney in a more fair forum and the clients won the case entirely.
Plus, it was cheaper to go to Court than waste time with an IRS agent on a fishing expedition.
TaxHelpLaw methods work!
Be Patient
Discharge Your Taxes
Many troubled taxpayers want to believe that there is a quick, easy way to settle or avoid a tax debt. However, in tax law, patience is more of a virtue than expedience.
The IRS has specific time periods for which they must accomplish certain things or they cannot pursue you. Mr. Hopkins is trained to force the IRS into certain positions and time limits so we can procedurally attack their case.
The case samples show that we stabilize your problems so you don't have to worry about seizures. We then calculate the time limits for the various issues. Then, the tax lawyer waits until the proper time to present you with far greater options for resolution. In audits Mr. Hopkins takes advantage of IRS weaknesses to obtain better settlements or he simply goes to trial.
Either way, it's a lot cheaper than wasting time with IRS agents and officers digging for trouble with you. The TaxHelpLaw tax attorney protects you from irrelevant IRS inquiry.
The tax attorney shields you from improper IRS collections. But, if it turns out you absolutely can't pay, we prolong action against you until you have passed the statute of limitations. Then, the tax lawyer presents you with the several options for resolution, including an Offer in Compromise or Bankruptcy.
You will have more choices and better options by using the tax attorney at TaxHelpLaw. Mr. Hopkins makes sure you avoid trouble. And, the price is far less expensive than taking the wrong course and expecting the IRS to help you.
Case Samples Procedure
Mr. and Mrs. C of Denver had been getting levied by the IRS for at least two years but they didn't know how to deal with the problem. They admitted they owed the tax. They had made several Offers in Compromise which were rejected by the IRS and they had no other options.
The tax attorney did a thorough investigation of the government files. We discovered that an IRS officer had wrongfully assessed the tax after the allowed time period. Therefore, the lawyer had the entire tax reversed. The taxpayers did not have to pay the tax AND the IRS had to refund them over $35,000!!
This shows that Offers in Compromise are often not the best way to proceed. The TaxHelpLaw tax attorney will show you how to explore ALL your options, not just one alone.
Some case samples are easy. In one story, Mr. G from Colorado Springs, Colorado received a Notice that the IRS going to assess $150,000 against him. He was impoverished and had no idea why it was happening. He brought in the documents to the Tax Attorney Consultation, as requested by this office, and we discovered that the IRS had a foreclosure listed as $400,000 income on the IRS records.
By simply filling out a correct filing with the IRS, the tax lawyer at TaxHelpLaw was able to stop the entire process and the taxpayer was entitled to a refund instead of owing.
These case samples are very common. If you catch it early then it can be easily resolved. If you wait, Mr. Hopkins may have to go to Court to get it reversed.